Spare part numbers, broken out
3,382,417 unique numbers
Spare parts in stock
Total value
Since 2012 Webparts has supplied the world with original and obsolete spare parts for agricultural machinery, construction machinery, garden and park machinery as well as other small machines. We function as a link between buyers and sellers of spare parts.
If you are looking for a specific spare part for your machine, simply do a quick search on the registration number if you already know it. If not, you can also do a search via brand or supplier.
Our main goal is for your experience to be easy, safe and satisfying, whether you are a buyer or a vendor.
We sell spare parts from well-known brands such as Massey Fergusson, Ford, Fendt, Krone, Husqvarna and Claas – as well as many other brands.
Browse through our catalogue to get an overview of the 26 million items our vendors have in stock. We update the catalogue continuously as our vendors put new item up for sale. Since we sell both original as well as obsolete spare parts, we can always offer you low prices. This means that you as a customer can save up to 80% on several spare parts in our webshop.
Are you looking for a place to sell spare parts from your own business? Our platform is the perfect space. We take care of all online marketing regarding your products as well as administrative tasks such as payments and worldwide delivery. All you have to do is pack the products and receive the payments.
To become a part of our network and gain access to our vast catalogue of spare parts, all you have to do is sign up as a customer – simple and quick by entering your address and phone number. Would you like to be a part of the vendor network? Please contact us at and you will be able to sell spare parts to customers worldwide.
We send all packages with DHL Express. You can easily track your spare parts and be ready to receive it, once it’s being delivered. The shipment is between 1-5 days and all packages will be delivered safely in good condition.