Frequently asked questions
The price - how is it calculated?
The prices shown on are collected from many different dealers stock prices. The same spare part may therefore differ in price from different dealers.
How do you pay?
You can pay with credit cards (Dankort, Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Debit and via PayPal. Additionally you can pay by bank transfer.
Which credit cards are supported?
Dankort, Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Debit and through Paypal.
Who delivers the parts?
We deliver primarily by DHL Express.
How are the parts returned?
If you need to return your spare part, please send it directly to the dealer from whom you bought the part. The return form can be found under previous orders.
Who is behind Webparts?
Webparts is owned by JMA A/S which is an IT company delivering ERP solutions to machinery dealers worldwide.
How do I locate the spare parts?
You locate the spare parts by utilising the spare part catalogues. If you already know the part number, you are able to make use of it through the search option at the top of the page.
How do I become a customer?
You can create a customer profile at the top of the page, and you will also be asked to create a profile during check-out.
How do I become a dealer?
If you want to become part of our dealer network and sell your spare parts to customers all over the world, please contact us at When you join our network you will also gain access to many more spare parts with huge discounts.